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Andrea Lehr
Raven Crystals
Los Angeles, CA 818-585-1469
Offering Crystals, Energy, Spirit and Earth healing work for People and Animals —Energy Energy Workers for People and Animals Animal Health, Reiki – Reiki and healing sessions, Polarity Polarity Therapy, Hospice and Transition End of Life, Transition Hospice Support, Divination Readings, Mediums, Psychics, Small Animal Massage and Bodywork Animal Health,
Reiki , Equine Equine Health, Reiki, Healing , Home and Environmental Clearing Property Clearing, Healing with Stones and Crystals (see www.ravencrystals.com), Crystal Healing Grids, Medicine Pouches Healing Grids Cryst
als and Gems, Intuitive art work, animal totems, dream catchers and Crystal Points spirit sticks and wands Elemental Crystals and Minerals, including Fossils Artwork and Jewelry Crystals an
d Gems, Products and Supplies. Usui/Tibetan Reiki Master Teacher Reiki USA West Coast certified through the International Center for Reiki Training Schools, and the Foundation of Shamanic Studies, Certified Small Animal Massage Therapist Animal Health, Reiki Equine Health, Reiki, Healing . On my path as a Reiki Master Teacher Schools , I experienced the miracles manifested in healing gifts in our world. My work is integrated and intuitive, using sound, vision,
crystals and natural elements Earth Healing with the energy of Reiki, Reiki USA West Coast . My interest in healing stones began when I first became a Reiki – Reiki USA West Coast practitioner and Energy Worker. As my collection of Crystals and Stones grew, and grew, I envisioned sharing them and www.ravencrystals.com appeared. I began purchasing Stones, studying their healing properties Stone. and found Crystals and Stones with amazin
g back stories connecting people and the synchronicities of Stones. At .www.ravencrystals.com, there are Crystal Sales and Discounts, many different Crystals and Minerals, including Fossils, with Tumbled and Polished Stones, and Products – incl. Medicine Bags, Jewelry, etc, and Crystal Carvings incl. Eggs, Spheres etc, and Crystal Information, incl Chakras, etc. Come by and Explore!
Find Andrea’s Healing Arts Network listing(s) here: Energy Workers, Earth Healing Products and Supplies Holistic Practitioners, Reiki USA West Coast , Animal Health, Reiki Crystals and Gems, Schools, Readings Polarity Therapy Property Clearing Hospice Support Equine Health, Reiki, Healing Mediums, Psychics, Animal Communication, End of Life, Transition 6/18
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Hypnosis, Reflexology, Healing and Reiki Classes & Sessions
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Helen Bramow, MA,MHt, BCH, C.NLP
Board Certified Hypnotist
Health For Life, LLC
NGH Certified Instructor (CI)
IHF Certified Instructor
Certified NLP Practitioner
Certfied Reflexologist, IET® Master Instructor
Holy Fire® III Reiki Master, Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki® Master
Skype ID: habcwix 703-851-7954 HealthCoach095@gmail.com
LONG DISTANCE, SKYPE SESSIONS Leesburg and Purcellville www.Hypnosis-Virginia.com
Virtual Gastric Band Weight Loss Hypnosis Read More!
- Helen Bramow, MA, MHt, BCH, C.NLP, CI is a Board Certified Hypnotist, transpersonal, MHt, trained by ARE and Atlantic University (MA in Transpersonal Studies, with a Specialization in Applied Spirituality from AU), specializing in ‘deep trance’ hypnosis as well as regular hypnosis.
- Helen Bramow is also a: Certified Reflexologist, Reiki Master and Certified Instructor for: NGH and IET.
- She offers Hypnosis sessions for: Weight Loss Hypnosis,
- Virtual Gastric Band Weight Loss Hypnosis, Hot Flashes , Sleep, Fertility Hypnosis, HypnoBirthing , Reiki Sessions, Past Life Hypnosis,
- Akashic Records, The Fertile Body Method Hypnosis, Stress Management and more.
- She also offers these: Reflexology Sessions, Zyto BioTechnology and the Ionic Cleanse® detox footbath
- She is also a Certified Reflexologist, offering Reflexology sessions.
- She also uses Aromatherapy (Essential Oils) and teaches self-hypnosis, mindfulness for relaxation, Meditation. Sessions can be held in either location, as can training classes.
- She offers certified Reiki, IET – Integrated Energy Therapy and Dowsing classes and are approved for Nursing CE’s in:
- NGH Certified Hypnosis (9 days), IHF Certified Hypnosis (5 Days and Skype available),
- Past Life Hypnosis ,
- Usui /Holy Fire® III Reiki, Holy Fire® III Karuna® Reiki, Sekhem Seichim Reiki (SSR) and
- Violet Flame Reiki,
- Dream WorkHealing with Crystals Class
- Reiki for Animals Class and more. She is also a Cert. Spiritual Dowser and teaches Dowsing classes hosts Spring Forest QiGong Groups and Reiki, IET Shares.
She is also a Master Instructor for Integrated Energy Therapy ( IET®) classes. Reiki, IET Shares ). IET® Classes include: IET Basic, Intermediate & Advanced .
IET Steps to Transformation Steps to Transformation Part I – Steps 1 thru 7, Steps to Transformation Part II – Steps 8 – 14 , IET for Pets, and IET Healing Angels of the Field
She has been a speaker for the Berkeley Springs, WV Festival of Lights, “The Art of Dowsing – The Power of the Pendulum” and the Pathways Convention in Bethesda, MD.
“Helen was great. She explained in great detail how hypnosis works. She’ll talk to you to understand what you’re actually looking for and she will come up with a plan that is best for you. I’ve been to a few sessions and it has worked wonders.
Thanks!” – DS, Shelby Township, MI
“Helen is nothing short of amazing. I always learn so much from her when I take one of her courses (i.e. Reiki/Energy healing) and when I was pregnant recently, I took her HypnoBirthing® course which helped build my confidence greatly to have an unmedicated homebirth. She understood me well and knew that I was strong enough to do it. Helen is insightful, kind, warm and one of few that you can tell truly does her job well and sincerely cares about others….” See More!
– KT, Fairfax, VA Wellness.comMy Profile
See More Testimonials and Reviews here: Testimonials
Find Helen’s Healing Arts Network listing(s) here: Front Page Reflexology, Aromatherapy, Coaching, Crystals and Gems Energy Workers, Holistic Practitioners, Schools, IET® – Integrated Energy Therapy, Reiki USA Eastern , Meditation, Dream Work ThetaHealing HypnoBirthing® , Hypnosis – Fertility, Hypnosis, Natural Childbirth, Lightarian Programs Akashic Records, Hypnosis Virtual Gastric Band, Hypnosis Past Life, Detox Footbath, Reiki – Holy Fire & Karuna Reiki Master, Retreats and Healing Centers, Stress Management, Weight Loss, Zyto BioTechnology, Events, Reiki, IET Shares QiGong Groups
All Classes Approved for CEU’s
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