Healing Arts Network (HAN) is not making recommendations neither about practices, nor practitioners, as this is only a listing service. It is a only published ads/listings for the practitioners who pay a fee. It is your responsibility to evaluate them: request references, discuss costs/services, meet them or speak to them regarding how and if they can assist you.
Schools and Training
|Aromatherapy Training| |Reiki/Energy Training| |Feng Shui Training| |Shamanism|
|Additional, Assorted Training Programs| |Yoga Teacher Training|
Aromatherapy Training
Linda-Anne Kahn
Beauty Kliniek Aromatherapy Day Spa & Wellness Center Book NOW!!
3268 Governor Drive
San Diego, CA 92122
858-457-0191 ext. 14
Aromatic Wellness Warrior.com www.pamperyou.com
Linda Anne Kahn – Amazon Linda Anne Kahn – Facebook
Linda Anne Kahn – LinkedIn Linda Anne Kahn – YELP
Linda-Anne Kahn is a Clinical Aromatherapist, Owner and Founder of Beauty Kliniek Aromatherapy Day Spa & Wellness Center. She has over 22 years experience in Aromatherapy and healing. She specializes in custom blending of essential oils and has helped 1000’s of clients and patients over the years. She specializes in Dr. Vodder’s Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Color therapy, Lastone massage, Wellness Therapies like : Slimming Therapies, Nutritional Consults, SpaAroma Detox, and 21 Day Purification, Natural Detox Program and skin care. With her expertise and care she combines many modalities to assist creating balance and harmony into peoples lives. Linda-Anne teaches a certification Aromatherapy Class to health professionals, estheticians and massage therapists. Book NOW!! SHOP Products NOW!!
Find Linda-Anne’s Healing Arts Network listing(s) here: Front Page , Authors, Aromatherapy, Products and Supplies, Holistic Practitioners, Schools, Massage Therapy , Lyme Therapies, Radio Shows
Videos: Linda Ann Kahn Aromatherapy See Testimonials and Reviews here: Testimonials See Products and Supplies 6/1/18
Reiki, Energy, Healing, and Hypnosis Training
Tim Horn, PhD.
Hypnoconsult LLC
9255 Center Street, Ste 406
Manassas, VA 20110
Holistic Hypnosis Training Tim Horn, PhD. on LINKED IN
Facebook – HypnoConsultLLC Facebook – Holistic Hypnosis Training
Tim Horn, PhD. on Amazon Tim Horn, PhD. on YELP
Tim Horn is a Consulting Hypnotist practicing in Northern Virginia since 1993. He runs a successful hypnosis and training center in Manassas, VA. Tim is the only National Guild of Hypnotist’s (NGH) Board Certified and Certified Instructor – NGH Hypnosis Certification Course in Prince William County, in addition to being a highly skilled hypnotist.
During the past twenty years, Tim has completed additional certifications in Pain Management , Sleep Improvement, Smoking Cessation, Pediatric Hypnosis, Ultra Height and Working in the Esdaile State – See Events – The Simpson Protocol by Tim Horn, PhD. The Simpson Protocol. He specializes in smoking cessation, sleep improvement, Study Improvement, Stress Management, Pain Management and dealing with individual fears. Tim began his study of hypnosis after using it to overcome panic disorders, so he is fully aware of the power of the human mind and has spent the past two decades using that knowledge to help others. Tim combines his passions to both hold NGH Certification Classes – NGH Hypnosis Certification Course and Holistic Hypnosis classes for those interested in mind management as a hobby or a profession.
Tim is also a faculty member for the NGH Summer Convention, and teaches a class on Stress Management and Sleep Improvement
Hypno Consult and Holistic Hypnosis Training
Since 1993, Tim Horn has practiced as a consulting hypnotist in Northern Virginia, where he resides and operates a successful hypnosis and training center. He is the only National Guild of Hypnotist’s (NGH) Board Certified and Certified Instructor in Prince William County, VA. A former public school teacher for twenty years as well as an adult educator, Tim works with clients of all ages on weight, stress and pain management, smoking cessation, anxiety, phobias, limiting beliefs and more. He also teaches NGH Certification Classes. Learn how Tim can help you succeed in reaching your personal and/or professional goals. Schedule a free, introductory call now.
- “I had the good fortune to try hypnosis, after unsuccessfully trying biofeedback, acupuncture, a spinal stimulator, and a wide variety of medications prescribed for chronic pain. Tim’s attentiveness and responsiveness, his demeanor, upbeat attitude, and humor all contributed to my progress as I went through a painful and challenging recovery, with several hospitalizations causing setbacks along the way, Tim was unfailingly cheerful and positive, and very concerned about my pain level.”
See more Testimonials here: Tim Horn, PhD. Testimonials
Find Tim’s Books on Amazon: “Skies Wide Open: How to Teach Your Child to Dream Big and Love Learning“
Find Tim Horn, PhD. Healing Arts Network listing(s) here: Front Page Video, Authors, Pain Management, Hypnosis Articles, Stress Management, Events, Schools, Hypnosis, Speakers Bureau, Hypnosis – Virtual Gastric Band, Weight Loss, Sleep Improvement Hypnosis – Nail Biting Hypnosis – Smoking Weight Loss
(See Hypnosis Articles by Tim Horn, PhD.) (See Events by Tim Horn, PhD.) 3/1/18
Hypnosis, Reflexology, Healing and Reiki Classes & Sessions
Linked IN
Helen Bramow, MA,MHt, BCH, C.NLP
Board Certified Hypnotist
Health For Life, LLC
NGH Certified Instructor (CI)
IHF Certified Instructor
Certified NLP Practitioner
Certfied Reflexologist, IET® Master Instructor
Holy Fire® III Reiki Master, Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki® Master
Skype ID: habcwix 703-851-7954 HealthCoach095@gmail.com
LONG DISTANCE, SKYPE SESSIONS Leesburg and Purcellville www.Hypnosis-Virginia.com
Virtual Gastric Band Weight Loss Hypnosis Read More!
- Helen Bramow, MA, MHt, BCH, C.NLP, CI is a Board Certified Hypnotist, transpersonal, MHt, trained by ARE and Atlantic University (MA in Transpersonal Studies, with a Specialization in Applied Spirituality from AU), specializing in ‘deep trance’ hypnosis as well as regular hypnosis.
- Helen Bramow is also a: Certified Reflexologist, Reiki Master and Certified Instructor for: NGH and IET.
- She offers Hypnosis sessions for: Weight Loss Hypnosis, Smoking Cessation,
- Virtual Gastric Band Weight Loss Hypnosis, Hot Flashes , Sleep, Fertility Hypnosis, HypnoBirthing , Reiki Sessions, Past Life Hypnosis,
- Akashic Records, The Fertile Body Method Hypnosis, Grief and Loss, Pain Management, Stress Management and more.
- She also offers these: Reflexology Sessions, Zyto BioTechnology and the Ionic Cleanse® detox footbath
- She is also a Certified Reflexologist, offering Reflexology sessions.
- She also uses Aromatherapy (Essential Oils) and teaches self-hypnosis, mindfulness for relaxation, Meditation. Sessions can be held in either location, as can training classes.
- She offers certified Reiki, IET – Integrated Energy Therapy and Dowsing classes and are approved for Nursing CE’s in:
- NGH Certified Hypnosis (9 days), IHF Certified Hypnosis (5 Days and Skype available),
- Past Life Hypnosis ,
- Usui /Holy Fire® III Reiki, Holy Fire® III Karuna® Reiki, Sekhem Seichim Reiki (SSR) and
- Violet Flame Reiki,
- Dream WorkHealing with Crystals Class
- Reiki for Animals Class and more. She is also a Cert. Spiritual Dowser and teaches
Dowsing classes hosts Spring Forest QiGong Groups and Reiki, IET Shares.
She is also a Master Instructor for Integrated Energy Therapy ( IET®) classes. Reiki, IET Shares ). IET® Classes include: IET Basic, Intermediate & Advanced .
IET Steps to Transformation Steps to Transformation Part I – Steps 1 thru 7, Steps to Transformation Part II – Steps 8 – 14 , IET for Pets, and IET Healing Angels of the Field
She has been a speaker for the Berkeley Springs, WV Festival of Lights, “The Art of Dowsing – The Power of the Pendulum” and the Pathways Convention in Bethesda, MD.
“Helen was great. She explained in great detail how hypnosis works. She’ll talk to you to understand what you’re actually looking for and she will come up with a plan that is best for you. I’ve been to a few sessions and it has worked wonders.
Thanks!” – DS, Shelby Township, MI
“Helen is nothing short of amazing. I always learn so much from her when I take one of her courses (i.e. Reiki/Energy healing) and when I was pregnant recently, I took her HypnoBirthing® course which helped build my confidence greatly to have an unmedicated homebirth. She understood me well and knew that I was strong enough to do it. Helen is insightful, kind, warm and one of few that you can tell truly does her job well and sincerely cares about others….” See More!
– KT, Fairfax, VA Wellness.comMy Profile
See More Testimonials and Reviews here: Testimonials
What is Hypnosis? (Whiteboard Video)
Find Helen’s Healing Arts Network listing(s) here: Front Page Reflexology, Aromatherapy, Coaching, Crystals and Gems Energy Workers, Holistic Practitioners, Schools, IET® – Integrated Energy Therapy, Reiki USA Eastern , Meditation, Dream Work ThetaHealing HypnoBirthing® , Hypnosis – Fertility, Hypnosis, Natural Childbirth, Pain Management, Lightarian Programs Akashic Records, Hypnosis Virtual Gastric Band, Hypnosis Past Life, Detox Footbath, Reiki – Holy Fire & Karuna Reiki Master, Retreats and Healing Centers, Stress Management, Weight Loss, Zyto BioTechnology, Events, Reiki, IET Shares QiGong Groups
All Classes Approved for CEU’s
Find Helen’s Healing Arts Network : Events
Find Helen’s Healing Arts Network Articles: Hypnosis Articles Health Articles
Helen Bramow – Your Health Magazine Articles 8/19
Virginia, India, Malaysia
Sarojini Alva Changkakoti, PhD., MSc, MA, MHt, DBM, Reiki Master
Alva Wellness Center
Haymarket, VA
(703) 727-0414
Sarojini is the founding president of Alva Wellness Center, VA, USA.
Sarojini Alva is a staunch believer of holistic healing. She understands that the true path to optimal health includes wellness of the body, mind, and spirit. Her belief and her passion about natural birthing and Child development have guided her to become a: HypnoBirthing Practitioner, and Trainer, HypnoBirthing Fertility Consultant, and Trainer for HypnoBirthing® Institute.
Sarojini is Master Hypnotherapist and a Master Trainer for National Assoc. of Transpersonal Hypnotherapist (NATH). Sarojini holds Master’s degrees in Human Development, Education, Business Management. She has a Doctorate in Transpersonal Psychology.
Sarojini offers: HypnoBirthing, Hypnotherapy, Master Hypnotherapy, HypnoBirthing Fertility Consultant, HypnoAnesthisia, Reiki workshops in the U.S.A, Canada, Malaysia, UAE, and India. Sarojini has presented at many international conferences and appeared on radio and TV shows. Her healing voice can be heard on her “Harmony Within”, “Reiki – Journey unto Healing”, and other audio recordings.
A nurturing mother, devoted wife and masterful healer, Sarojini blends her wisdom, diverse training and beautiful heart to provide absolutely transformational trainings
HypnoBirthing® – The Mongan Method is the original Practitioner training and carries a Gold Seal Approval which is recognized in 45 countries. The Gold Seal Approval assures the general public that the practitioner is of the highest standing and has passed their certification review and has agreed to the Codes of Ethics and Standards as set out by the HypnoBirthing® Institute. It is the most comprehensive program available and as such is recognized as the leading program here in the US.
Available To Doctors, Doulas, Midwives, Nurses, Nurse Practitioners, Physicians Assistants, Healthcare Providers, Women’s Health Physiotherapists, Childbirth Educators, Hypnotherapists, Yoga Instructors, Massage Therapists, And All Others With An Interest In Maternal Health And Birthing.
Sarojini Alva Changkakoti, PhD., MSc, MA, MHt, DBM, Reiki Master (RMT)
Sarojini Alva – (703) 727-0414
Email & Booking: sarojinialva@sarojinialva.com
Find Sarojini’s Healing Arts Network listing(s) here: HypnoBirthing, HypnoBirthing Fertility Consultant, Holistic Practitioners, Schools, Reiki USA Eastern, Hypnosis, Natural Childbirth, Pain Management
Find Sarojini’s Healing Arts Network listing(s) here: Events 4/18
Practitioners Get Listed Here! Listings Store
Washington, D.C.
Practitioners Get Listed Here! Listings Store
Practitioners Get Listed Here! Listings Store
Practitioners Get Listed Here! Listings Store
Reiki, Energy, Healing Training
Practitioners Get Listed Here! Listings Store
Andrea Lehr
Raven Crystals
Los Angeles, CA 818-585-1469
Offering Crystals, Energy, Spirit and Earth healing work for People and Animals —Energy Energy Workers for People and Animals Animal Health, Reiki – Reiki and healing sessions, Polarity Polarity Therapy, Hospice and Transition End of Life, Transition Hospice Support, Divination Readings, Mediums, Psychics, Small Animal Massage and Bodywork Animal Health,
Reiki , Equine Equine Health, Reiki, Healing , Home and Environmental Clearing Property Clearing, Healing with Stones and Crystals (see www.ravencrystals.com), Crystal Healing Grids, Medicine Pouches Healing Grids Cryst
als and Gems, Intuitive art work, animal totems, dream catchers and Crystal Points spirit sticks and wands Elemental Crystals and Minerals, including Fossils Artwork and Jewelry Crystals an
d Gems, Products and Supplies. Usui/Tibetan Reiki Master Teacher Reiki USA West Coast certified through the International Center for Reiki Training Schools, and the Foundation of Shamanic Studies, Certified Small Animal Massage Therapist Animal Health, Reiki Equine Health, Reiki, Healing . On my path as a Reiki Master Teacher Schools , I experienced the miracles manifested in healing gifts in our world. My work is integrated and intuitive, using sound, vision,
crystals and natural elements Earth Healing with the energy of Reiki, Reiki USA West Coast . My interest in healing stones began when I first became a Reiki – Reiki USA West Coast practitioner and Energy Worker. As my collection of Crystals and Stones grew, and grew, I envisioned sharing them and www.ravencrystals.com appeared. I began purchasing Stones, studying their healing properties Stone. and found Crystals and Stones with amazin
g back stories connecting people and the synchronicities of Stones. At .www.ravencrystals.com, there are Crystal Sales and Discounts, many different Crystals and Minerals, including Fossils, with Tumbled and Polished Stones, and Products – incl. Medicine Bags, Jewelry, etc, and Crystal Carvings incl. Eggs, Spheres etc, and Crystal Information, incl Chakras, etc. Come by and Explore!
Find Andrea’s Healing Arts Network listing(s) here: Energy Workers, Earth Healing Products and Supplies Holistic Practitioners, Reiki USA West Coast , Animal Health, Reiki Crystals and Gems, Schools, Readings Polarity Therapy Property Clearing Hospice Support Equine Health, Reiki, Healing Mediums, Psychics, Animal Communication, End of Life, Transition 6/18
Alicia B Warwick
Art Face Beauty Productions
POB 2122
Capistrano Beach CA 92624
We offer continuing education hours for our workshops, designed for Massage Therapists, Estheticians, & Holistic Health Practitioners. Choose from: Reiki – all levels, Spa Savvy, Healing Hot Stone Massage, Business Promotions, & More. Workshops are kept small, affordable, and run monthly in Mission Viejo and Buena Park, CA. MasterCard & Visa are accepted for your convenience. Check our website for additional information
Bright Star Consulting Services
Irma Kaye Sawyer
P.O. Box 1846
Joshua Tree, CA 92252
Welcome to Bright Star Consulting Services!
Irma Kaye Sawyer – Amazon Page
Bright Start Consulting Services on Facebook
Irma Kaye Sawyer – on Instagram
Healing consultations are available with Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils and custom blended flower essence remedies. Free information sent per your request.
Irma Kaye Sawyer has been a Holistic Practitioner since 1992 using the modalities of massage therapy, Reiki USA West Coast energy healing, and Shamanism Healing and Counseling. She is a group leader in the Distant Healing Network, a volunteer Internet healing service. Irma is certified in Massage Therapy, Polarity Therapy, Reiki USA West Coast — Reiki Healing and Thought Field Therapy. She is a Reiki Master Teacher and has taught in the United States and abroad. She is certified with the IARP.org International Association of Reiki Professionals and is a member of the Shamanism Foundation of Shamanic Studies. Shamanic Healing sessions including Soul Retrieval, Extraction and Power Animal Retrieval are available, as well as Reiki healing sessions in person or at a distance. Healing consultations are available with Therapeutic Grade Aromatherapy Essential Oils and custom blended flower essence remedies. She also teaches Empath Empowerment Mastery Class and has been a guest on Blog Talk Radio .
Realize the Bright Star that you are. I welcome your inquiry.
Find Irma K.’s Healing Arts Network listing(s) here:: Front Page , Authors Akashic Records Aromatherapy, Shamanism, Holistic Practitioners, Schools, Reiki USA W Coast Products and Supplies Radio Shows Polarity Therapy Energy Workers
Videos: Irma K Sawyer ‘Aquarian Empath Healing’ Radio Shows: Irma K Sawyer on Blog Talk Radio (See Flower Essence Article by Irma K. Sawyer) See Products and Supplies 4/1/18
Dan & Tsy Schupack
A Way of Wellness
8795 Ralston Road – Suite 112
Arvada, Colorado 80002
Addressing body, mind and spirit…promoting wellness, wholeness and a sense of well-being…
Weird stuff…for normal people Classes, trainings and special events to enrich your life and lighten your spirit
- Affirmations – a do-it-yourself toolbox
• Chakra Journey
• Dowsing with Charts
• Energetic Healing
• Meditation Sampler
• Wax on…Wax off – a skills polishing workshop for energyworkers
• Anatomy & Physiology for Energyworkers
• I’ve Heard the Call…Now Where Do I Go? – a workshop for emerging psychics and energyworkers
• Reiki Training
Please visit http://www.awayofwellness.com/weirdstuff.html for complete details and dates or download the schedule as a .pdf file – http://www.awayofwellness.com/Images/2003weirdstuff.pdf
Gigi Benanti Reiki Master
Angelic Healing Center
7 Morgan Ave. Norwalk
CT 06851
Angelic Healing Center since 1995. I have trained thousands. Reiki 1 the first Friday or Sat of the month ($110) learn self healing . Reiki 2 the last Friday Or Saturday of the month($210) Reiki Healing Circles (since 1996)for Reiki practitioners 1& 3rd Tuesdays 7:30 PM I teach all level of Reiki .Call for dates for Reiki Master classes, Karuna Reiki Classes. Private Reiki Healing Sessions $70. Call for appointment. Reiki Is wonderful and self-empowering. Angelic Reiki Blessings, Gigi
Terry Rogers
315 N. E. 10th St.
Gainesville, FL 32601
Owner and founding Director of the Gainesville Center for Reiki Training. Offering Certification and Training
in all Levels of Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki since 1997.
Practitioners Get Listed Here! Listings Store
Practitioners Get Listed Here! Listings Store
Patricia’s goal is to help people help themselves to a healthier, more rewarding life. She is the owner of Starchaser Healing Arts and Starchaser Integrated Coaching and Energy Healing through which she offers sessions on Integrated Coaching, energy healing sessions, or both. She offers Classes, workshops and public speaking on personal growth and development, energy healing, shamanic practice and Aromatherapy. She works virtually and through several spas and centers in NW Washington,DC and southern MD.
Patricia is a certified coach, Reiki Master/Teacher in Eastern and Western Usui, Sekhem Seichim (SSR), Karuna and Gendai Reiki. She is also a Master/Instructor of IET – Integrated Energy Therapy, a ThetaHealing, Shamanism practitioner, a registered Professional Aromatherapist and a Meditation Instructor. Patricia teaches certification Classes in all of her healing modalities, conducts many short workshops and presentations on healing for practitioners and the general public (e.g., getting unstuck; work-life balance; getting in touch with inner awareness, Aromatherapy for energy work, meditative practice. She enjoys customizing presentations and workshops to meet the interests and needs of different groups of people, and she loves to Blog and make audio recordings.
“I liked the gentle yet firm assistance that Patricia provided when guiding me to/through revealing moments of self-discovery. It was amazing since I was not consciously aware of some things I was holding on to and needed to release. Also, I did not realize that a few coaching sessions would produce such pivotal results.”
– BV, Baltimore, MD
See more Testimonials and Reviews here: Testimonials
Find Patricia’s Healing Arts Network listing(s) here: Aromatherapy, Integrated Coaching, Energy Workers, Holistic Practitioners, Schools, IET – Integrated Energy Therapy, Reiki USA Eastern , Meditation, Shamanism , ThetaHealing 4/4/17
North Carolina
Deborah Wilson
Path of the Healer Apprenticeship
72 Baker Rd.
Shutesbury MA 01072
Path of the Healer Apprenticeship; Cultivating Consciousness; Moving Mountains A nine-month training in Wholeness Energetics® with Deborah P. Wilson.
An Invitation; You know who you are. You are interested in mining the untapped resources of mind, consciousness, and human spirit. You want to learn techniques to heal yourself and others more effectively, promote health and
vitality on all levels, and discover and correct root blockages to healing. You are ready to be and affect change, and to embrace your true power and magnificence. I am honored and grateful for the opportunity to bring this unique program to you, to teach, support, and inspire healers and light workers of the world. In gratitude, Deborah.
Cultivating consciousness, Moving mountains Conceiving a course, both contemporary and timeless Modeled after traditional healing apprenticeships of old, and set in a modern context where mysticism and science converge, where
ancient practices and technology partner, this apprentice program is perfect for practicing healers or those who wish to develop their healing skills. This program teaches techniques and tools to read and direct energy, to open to deeper levels of intuition, and to empower clients to heal themselves. We will learn how to expand our conscious awareness to awaken what is already ours, to reclaim natural states of health, vitality and creativity, and to realize our full potential. This
apprenticeship is extremely experiential and is key to understanding the role consciousness plays in health and to being a more effective healer.
Cultivating consciousness for healing; There is a new paradigm emerging in the field of healing, with a growing body of research and information now available on the “biology of belief,” the body-mind connection and bio-energy medicine. The ancient healing arts of yoga, qigong and traditional Chinese medicine, which are becoming more common place in
the West, were probably the first to introduce this culture to subtle energies and how to work with them for health and well-being. In this emerging paradigm, we begin with the understanding that our inner world, consciousness, is our primary reality, and if our internal state is healthy and strong, then our external world will align itself and fall into place as a result. We all have the power and wisdom to make the changes we want; we all have innate healing abilities to heal ourselves
and others.
Creating a culture of community; This intensive course is a nine-month journey of discovery, learning and sharing, which requires commitment on many levels and yet offers much more in return. When we each bring our trust and commitment to the circle, together we create community, sacred space and a supportive culture. Together, we can enjoy a rich and nourishing environment for our deep inner work and personal growth and for building true connection and intimacy.
Calling on Commitment and courage; Not for the faint of hear, this journey calls for courage and willingness to open our minds and hearts, look at ourselves honestly, and likely have our world views turned upside down, maybe
shattered. Ultimately the path of the healer is a inner journey taking us to the deep recesses of our being, leading us through initiations, trials and triumphs. It is by embarking on this inner journey, where others cannot accompany us, that we experience the miracles, healing and true power that flows from our connection to Source, from our oneness with all Life.
Care Of Your Self
Terri French
800 Broadway Building
Haverhill MA 01832
(978)521-1006 Email coysreiki@greennet.net
Terri French is a teacher and spiritual seeker with a profound enthusiasm for metaphysical adventures, spiritual growth,
personal development and planetary healing. While teaching in special education for the past 16 years, she furthered her own evolution through Meditation, Yoga, reading and teaching Tarot, Fire Walking and practicing Reiki which has worked its own miracles in her personal, professional and spiritual transformation. Terri has a B.S. Degree in Education and is a certified Reiki Master with The Center for Reiki Training in Southfield, Michigan.
Terri offers Reiki classes throughout the year:
- Attunement Classes……………Reiki I $125Advanced $175
- Reiki III Master $500
- Reiki II $135
- Re-attunement Any Level………………$50
(includes a full treatment)
Please contact Terri by phone or Email for up to dateinformation on classes. Detailed information can also be found on her web site, address above.
Practitioners List Your Practice! List Now!
New York
Jenna Fiorisi
Ambriels Song
5 Academy Street
New Paltz NY 12561
Namaste! As a naturally gifted intuitive, I discovered my gifts many years ago. Using what I have come to know as Therapeutic Touch, I would help sooth the aches and pains of friends and family members with the touch of my hands. After doing some research on the subject matter I came across information on Reiki. I knew intuitively that Reiki should be part of my life path. I found my teacher and received my first attunements and eventually became a certified Reiki Master Teacher. The gift of Reiki has allowed me to help many people and aid them on their path to healing and wholeness. Now as a teacher I have had many students who are seeking out a similar path to the one I walked upon many years ago. I offer many informative spiritual workshops and classes on a monthly basis at The Sanctuary in New Paltz!
New Jersey
Suzanne Bird – INNERGIZE29 Rt 34N, Ste 201
Colts Neck NJ 07722
Also see the listing under
Reiki Practitioners
INNERGIZE – The Relaxation Studio Offering Eastern Energy Therapies for a busy Western World Gift Certificates – Reiki Classes – Reiki Shares – JSJ Self-Help® Workshops
Enter a beautiful sanctuary to experience Reiki and Jin Shin Jyutsu® – gentle Eastern stress reduction techniques that recharge body, mind & spirit. Energy therapies transport you to the alpha state of calm, where your self-healing abilities come into play; a session is an effortless way to enter a meditative state. Choose either therapy, or let Suzanne
use her intuition and combine them for a customized session to meet your needs. Results often include decreased stress, relief from pain, improved sleep and increased joy. Take the healing home with you – borrow a book or audio from the holistic library, and practice easy self-care to nurture you between sessions.
Suzanne Bird has studied various Western & Japanese Reiki techniques, and received her Master level from William Rand of the International Center for Reiki Training. She is a member of the International Reiki Association, has a BA in Communications & Theater, along with a history of enduring stress in the Corporate world. Her passions include yoga,
spending time in nature, acting, writing, and exploring the mind-body connection. Suzanne has seen “miracles” occur with energy therapy, & is committed to sharing the paths to self-healing with others.
North Carolina
Victor Glanckopf
PO Box 321
Gibsonville, NC 27249
Over 50 energy based workshops are offered including these topics: Reiki, Huna Plus, Ama Deus,Sechim, Varja Essence, Energetic Buddhism, Transcendence, Angelic, Shamanism and Babji.
Please call or email for the current schedule of workshops.
Hypnosis, Reflexology, Healing and Reiki Classes & Sessions
Linked IN
Helen Bramow, MA,MHt, BCH, C.NLP
Board Certified Hypnotist
Health For Life, LLC
NGH Certified Instructor (CI)
IHF Certified Instructor
Certified NLP Practitioner
Certfied Reflexologist, IET® Master Instructor
Holy Fire® III Reiki Master, Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki® Master
Skype ID: habcwix 703-851-7954 HealthCoach095@gmail.com
LONG DISTANCE, SKYPE SESSIONS Leesburg and Purcellville www.Hypnosis-Virginia.com
Virtual Gastric Band Weight Loss Hypnosis Read More!

Virtual Gastric Band Read More!
- Helen Bramow, MA, MHt, BCH, C.NLP, CI is a Board Certified Hypnotist, transpersonal, MHt, trained by ARE and Atlantic University (MA in Transpersonal Studies, with a Specialization in Applied Spirituality from AU), specializing in ‘deep trance’ hypnosis as well as regular hypnosis.
- Helen Bramow is also a: Certified Reflexologist, Reiki Master and Certified Instructor for: NGH and IET.
- She offers Hypnosis sessions for: Weight Loss Hypnosis, Smoking Cessation,
- Virtual Gastric Band Weight Loss Hypnosis, Hot Flashes , Sleep, Fertility Hypnosis, HypnoBirthing , Reiki Sessions, Past Life Hypnosis,
- Akashic Records, The Fertile Body Method Hypnosis, Grief and Loss, Pain Management, Stress Management and more.
- She also offers these: Reflexology Sessions, Zyto BioTechnology and the Ionic Cleanse® detox footbath
- She is also a Certified Reflexologist, offering Reflexology sessions.
- She also uses Aromatherapy (Essential Oils) and teaches self-hypnosis, mindfulness for relaxation, Meditation. Sessions can be held in either location, as can training classes.
- She offers certified Reiki, IET – Integrated Energy Therapy and Dowsing classes and are approved for Nursing CE’s in:
- NGH Certified Hypnosis (9 days), IHF Certified Hypnosis (5 Days and Skype available),
- Past Life Hypnosis ,
- Usui /Holy Fire® III Reiki, Holy Fire® III Karuna® Reiki, Sekhem Seichim Reiki (SSR) and
- Violet Flame Reiki,
- Dream WorkHealing with Crystals Class
- Reiki for Animals Class and more. She is also a Cert. Spiritual Dowser and teaches
Dowsing classes hosts Spring Forest QiGong Groups and Reiki, IET Shares.
She is also a Master Instructor for Integrated Energy Therapy ( IET®) classes. Reiki, IET Shares ). IET® Classes include: IET Basic, Intermediate & Advanced .
IET Steps to Transformation Steps to Transformation Part I – Steps 1 thru 7, Steps to Transformation Part II – Steps 8 – 14 , IET for Pets, and IET Healing Angels of the Field
She has been a speaker for the Berkeley Springs, WV Festival of Lights, “The Art of Dowsing – The Power of the Pendulum” and the Pathways Convention in Bethesda, MD.
“Helen was great. She explained in great detail how hypnosis works. She’ll talk to you to understand what you’re actually looking for and she will come up with a plan that is best for you. I’ve been to a few sessions and it has worked wonders.
Thanks!” – DS, Shelby Township, MI
“Helen is nothing short of amazing. I always learn so much from her when I take one of her courses (i.e. Reiki/Energy healing) and when I was pregnant recently, I took her HypnoBirthing® course which helped build my confidence greatly to have an unmedicated homebirth. She understood me well and knew that I was strong enough to do it. Helen is insightful, kind, warm and one of few that you can tell truly does her job well and sincerely cares about others….” See More!
– KT, Fairfax, VA Wellness.comMy Profile
See More Testimonials and Reviews here: Testimonials
What is Hypnosis? (Whiteboard Video)
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Danielle Spring
The Healing Circle’s Reiki Practitioner Training Program and School of
Continuing Education for Reiki Practitioners
2 College St. Suite 310
Toronto Ontario MSG 3K2
(416) 924-0696
The Healing Circle’s Reiki Practitioner Training Program and School of Continuing Education for Reiki Practitioners offers Usui Reiki I and II certifications as well as courses designed to help explore the possibilities and expand the scope of current
practitioners practice. The Reiki I and II courses offer comprehensive classes that include the traditional Usui Reiki teachings with supplementary material on the physical and subtle human anatomy. The School of Continuing Education includes such topics as: ‘Reiki and Aromatherapy’, ‘Reiki and Crystal Healing’, ‘Reiki and Meditation’, ‘Reiki and Pre/Post-Natal Care’, and ‘Reiki for the Clinical Environment’. All classes are facilitated by The Healing Circle’s Vibrational Healer and
Reiki Master, Danielle Spring.
The Healing Circle, Toronto’s ONLY Spiritual Spa, is an alternative health center, focusing on women’s health and pre-natal care. Receive aromatherapy massage, acupuncture, crystal healing, Reiki, or shiatsu, in a relaxing Egypt-inspired environment. Doula services are now available to help mother-to-be to plan the perfect birth experience!
Tunde-Anna Ertl
Health Secrets Natural Healing Arts Centre
Thornhill (near Toronto) Ontario
(905) 763-9677
Interested in adding to your knowledge of natural healing? Want to practice Aromatherapy, Reflexology or learn
about Wholistic Skin Care? Well we have the right courses and workshops for you.
Reflexology Certification Course, Practical Aromatherapy Certification Course, Reiki Level I, II & III Workshop & Certification, Ear Coning Workshop & Certification Wholistic Skin Care Certification Course
Classes are ongoing. There are maximum of 4 people in the class to ensure close attention of the trainer. Starting dates can be suited to the needs of participants within the same group. Private/semi-private classes available upon request to those who feel that c n gain more from the full care of the instructor, or have limited time to complete their training. (Additional fee required.) For more information please contact: Tunde-Anna Ertl
Feng Shui Training
New Jersey
Laurie Bornstein
Harmony Life, LLC
24 W. Railroad Ave #269
Tenafly, NJ 07670
Laurie is an internationally recognized Feng Shui practitioner, Master Teacher of Interior Alignment™, the CEO/President & Education Director for the International Feng Shui Guild and The Feng Shui Marketing Queen™,
helping women entrepreneurs grow and develop successful businesses.
Her practice incorporates a synergistic blend of Feng Shui methods and techniques in combination with the elements of holistic design, space clearing, sacred ceremony, intuitive skills and the essence of life coaching to create balance in all areas of her clients’ lives.
Laurie is based in Northern New Jersey. She is available for practitioner training, Marketing From the Inside Out, a 12 week coaching intensive, select Feng Shui design consultations, lectures and workshops nationwide.
Laurie is the founder of Harmony Life®, LLC., a firm dedicated to providing professional Interior Alignment™ certification, Feng Shui consultations, and life coaching.
Lori Grear
Empress Feng Shui
239 E. Michigan Avenue
PMB 181
Paw Paw MI 49079
Empress Feng Shui provides clients around the world with personal, business and distance consultations.
Certified Feng Shui consultant, Lori Grear leads classes and seminars for businesses, individuals and organizations. Lori writes a syndicated Feng Shui Question and Answer column and has authored two books on the subject of Feng Shui.
Empress Feng Shui has trained over 350 individuals to become Feng Shui consultants.
Shamanism Training
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Amazon Forays
The Wild Mushroom Traveling Road Show
Chris & Gerry Miller
PO Box 126
East Haddam CT 06423
860-873-8286 Call to Book Now!!
Take the shamanic Shamanism voyage of discovery up the Peruvian Amazon. Come with us on an excursion, beginning with our Departures, and visit remote tribes (indigenous people) and their people, all the while collecting and identifying many of the rare and unknown species of fungi and medicinal plants Herbalists in the Amazon. During The Trip the foods and meals are fantastic – you will receive three, all-natural, gourmet meals which are served every day. We feature fresh foods from the Amazon, with a “…selection of wild, edible mushrooms, exotic fish and game, gorgeous salads and endless fresh fruit and juices.” Also Your Guides “Gerry Miller, artist, mycologist Herbalists , and maestro of Amazonian healing arts, began his travels in South America over 30 years ago!” Gerry and Chris Miller, both together as Your Guides, have been offering these tours since 1984.
During the voyage, we hold many extensive discussions about dreams and visions Dreamwork interpretation by the Shamans. They act as guides for us on jungle walks, and this where we learn about medicinal plants The trip and also hear the sacred songs from the tree’s spirit. “The Shamans point the way to a more meaningful future — a fuller life in which your potential can be realized.”
Live in comfort on our beautiful mahogany riverboat. Participate in all-night ceremonies guided by Amazonian Shamans, three all-natural gourmet meals each day, motorized canoes. The price for this Retreat includes everything from Miami for two magical weeks and most of our tours are booked January – March every year.
Testimonials –
Thank you for providing a well organized and exciting journey…the first time in my life to be in a place that was truly WILD…where people live in such peaceful harmony with nature and Mother Earth.
I loved it! – K. B.
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Amazon Forays Testimonials Amazon Forays Application Form Amazon Forays Flyer
CALL NOW!!! 860-873-8286 Groups now forming!
Winter Departures: January February March Call us NOW!! – Trips can go any month!
Find Amazon Foray’s Healing Arts Network listing(s) here: Dreamwork Shamanism, Herbalists, Schools, Retreats and Healing Centers, Journeys 4/4/18
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Yoga Teacher Training Programs See Also Yoga & Pilates
Krista Teichroeb
322 1/2 Bloor ST. West 3rd Floor
Toronto Ontario
M5S 1W5 Canada
The International Center for Yogic Arts and Sciences is the only school of it’s kind. We are the worldwide research
and training headquarters for the branch of Yogic teachings known as The Ten bodies. Using these teaching as a framework, we offer a curriculum of individual classes and certification programs in Yoga Teacher Training,
Yogic Numerology, Laser Touch Healing and Yogic nutrition. Our flexible approach gives you the freedom to start on-line, anytime throughout the year from anywhere. Rotating schedules of live classes and intensives
continue to move you along you chosen career path. Graduates and students teach and apply the Yogic Arts and Sciences all over the world
Additional, assorted training programs
Elizabeth Anglin
Madrid, NM
Elizabeth Anglin on Amazon Elizabeth Anglin on Facebook
Elizabeth provides practical Animal Communication and energy healing Emotion Code Clearing for horses, cats and dogs and other animals in your home or rescue organization. A veterinary intuitive Psychic Readings, remote viewer, and evidential Spirit Medium Elizabeth has the ability to see, feel and hear specific information about your animal’s physical body and spiritual path. Elizabeth has been a Traditional Usui Reiki Master and Animal Communication since 1994, a Remote Viewer and Evidential Spirit Medium since 1997, and an [Equine Services] Equine Massage Practitioner since 2002. She offers intuitive Psychic Readings and energy healing sessions for people as well as pets through her website ElizabethAnglin.com Elizabeth also hosts Cosmic Passport, an intuitive/paranormal talk show. She is the author of “Experience: Memoirs of an Abducted Childhood“ available on Amazon.
Cindy B. says: My reading with Elizabeth was such a comfort to me. My son just recently went to heaven and being able to connect with him has helped. I am sure I will be contacting her again and recommending her to family and friends Book Now!
Find Elizabeth’s Healing Arts Network listing(s) here: Authors Animal Health, Animal Communication, Akashic Records, Reiki – USA West, Energy Workers, Holistic Practitioners, Schools, Radio Shows 4/16/18
Practitioners Get Listed Here! Listings Store
Alicia B Warwick
Art Face Beauty Productions
POB 2122
Capistrano Beach CA 92624
We offer continuing education hours for our workshops, designed for Massage Therapists, Estheticians, & Holistic Health Practitioners. Choose from: Reiki – all levels, Spa Savvy, Healing Hot Stone Massage, Business Promotions, & More. Workshops are kept small, affordable, and run monthly in Mission Viejo and Buena Park, CA. MasterCard & Visa are accepted for your convenience. Check our website for additional information www.massageandfacials.com
New York
The Helix Training Program
Joan Poelvoorde
650 West 42nd St.
New York NY 10036
HELIX, from the double stranded helix found in DNA, truly represents our philosophy. Each strand interweaves two main principles. First, the liberating work of Healing, Spirituality, and the essential skills of Eastern and Western psychotherapy, and second, the balance of experiential and theoretical learning.
The experiential learning assists students in understanding and transforming themselves (a prerequisite for working with others), while the theoretical learning provides a solid ground that enables them to work with confidence and compassion. HELIX offers many approaches rather than limiting the study to one method. It enables our students to discover the individuality of their own personal and professional paths.
The HELIX Training Program was created in 1980. This program honors the specific gifts of our students by helping them to define their own personal path. The impulse to create HELIX came from a realization of the split between psychotherapy, spiritual practice, and healing. In the spirit of healing these splits, we created a program that meets both the personal and professi nal needs of our students.
B Joshi
Body Basics: School of Body Therapy
42 The Broadway
Stratford London
E15 4QS UK
020 8522 1414
Body Basics (UK) was founded in 1995 and offers training in a variety of courses in Massage, Sports Injuries,
Aromatherapy, Indian Head Massage, Ayurvedic Massage and Advanced Bodywork, both at diploma level as well as through regular workshops. All courses are taught by qualified lecturers, and therapists who are highly experienced in their field.
Body Basics is a member of the British Complementary Medicine Association, ITEC and APNT.
Hu Dalconzo
1509 Lakeside Dr. So.
Forked River NJ 08731
Holistic Learning Centers offers (HLC) clinically proven Self-mastery courses, educational products and coaching certifications for Holistic Practitioners and people seeking Self-empowerment! Hu Dalconzo, the founder of HLC, spent eight years teaching the emotionally handicapped in inner city schools until in 1977, Hu founded a Self-actualization training
company called L.I.F.E. (LIFE is an acronym for Love, Integrity, Freedom, and Esteem). Then, in 1995, Hu started accepting students who wanted to learn about the Self-mastery techniques that he developed during his 25 years as a founder of L.I.F.E. and so Holistic Learning Centers was born. Holistic Learning Centers primary service, is a self-empowering,
Self-mastery Counseling Process, for students who seek deep inner spiritual work, along with two professional holistic modality courses.
THE OBM SELF-MASTERY PROCESS: The OBM Self-Mastery Process is a 30-year-old, clinically proven “Spiritual Psychology”. OBM utilizes the best of Eastern and Western methods to create a tool that enables a person to achieve mastery over their ego mind! If you are ready to engage in some Self-reflection, then the OBM Process could be your path
to Self-Mastery! OBM is offered in person or over the phone.
HOLISTIC SPIRITUAL COUNSELOR’S CERTIFICATION COURSE (or what many holistic people call Self-Mastery Coaching) is a self-mastery facilitator’s course…for people who want a holistic career, or for practitioners who want to add self-mastery coaching to their present modality. Holistic Spiritual Counselors are taught how to facilitate the OBM Self-Mastery Processes. Many practitioners with other modalities use the techniques that they learned from this course to enhance their practice and their private lives. This course is offered on campus, as a home study course, or you can purchase the training manual & cassette album separately. HOW TO CREATE AN ABUNDANT HOLISTIC PRACTICE: This course was created to teach practitioners how to successfully market their modalities! We share our field-tested marketing knowledge with you in our 205-page training manual! If you are ready to DO THE WORK YOU LOVE, this course will serve
you well. This course is offered as a home study course or you can purchase the manual and cassette album separately We pride ourselves in putting “Spirit First!” so we offer small classes, affordable
tuition, easy payment plans, phone coaching, and home study.
North Carolina
Holistic Institute of Self Transformation
P.O. Box 69476
Greensboro ,NC 27408
H.I.S.T. Is dedicated to support, assist any one willing to rediscover and reconnect to their source of power, encourage them to develop their spiritual gifts, transform their lives and to help others in doing the same. We offer classes on spiritual gifts development: WHEEL OF LIFE , A spiritual path for self transformation and Healing, Reiki 1 & 2. Our practice is a multi sensory holistic process design to restructure and balance the energy
field, stress and pain management. Beginning in September we will offer a free lecture once a month.
Florence Jean-Pierre, RN, DD. Reiki master is an ordained counselor/ minister who for over twenty years has uniquely blended her psychiatric experience with holism. She is trained by Joan Halifax as instructor for the care of the terminally ill and their care givers, she is a graduate from the Society of Soul a Kabbalistic healing school . She is also a graduate from the Healing the Light Body school, under Alberto Villoldo, anthropologist /shaman ; initiated in the Andes by him and the Inka Elders in Peru . She is the founder of the Holistic Institute Of Self Transformation ,located in Greensboro, North Carolina.
Reiki – Reiki is a system of laying on hands healing originate in Tibet and rediscovered by the Japanese Dr Mikao Usui. Reiki means universal life force it is very effective in restoring emotional physical mental balance.
Reiki 1 Attunement, healing for self and others
Reiki 11 Attunement sacred symbols for long distance healing.
WHEEL OF LIFE – Common to most spiritual traditions is the particular thread of “The Cycling OF Life.” from these classes you will learn techniques to take charge of your life. You will learn to let go what does not serve you any longer as an act of power, you will rekindle your passion for life while welcoming “home” your shadow as an asset. This process of integration will allow tour intuition to move freely permitting your authentic self to become a co-creator of your destiny. We will meet once a month for four weekends, classes forming now. Please call for dates.
A Spiritual Path of Transformation and Healing – An in depth two years training program design to transform your life. We bring together East and West wisdom to help us cross the bridge of the visible to the invisible opening the door of all possibilities. Over tow thousand years ago a great teacher made a bold statement “The thing that I do you will do also” the time has come to claim this gift as our birth right to heal our self our planet and our fellow men. Classes forming now. Call for date and location.
Cedar Mountain Drums/ Community
2237 E.Burnside St.
Portland, OR 97214
Web page: www.cedarmtndrums.com
In addition to owning a great little drum store, Patrick Pinson has a dream. That dream is to serve the community in and around the Portland area by offering a place to gather for healing learning and growth.
Please contact Patrick for complete and up to date information on what is available. Presently weekly drumming circles are offered, alternating between men’s, mixed, women’s and shamanic drumming.
A large selection of classes are offered, led by Patrick, Marina Francis, Aja, Octavia Blissing-Brooks and Hunter Flournoy. These classes include: Playing Our Way To Recovery, The Medicine Wheel, Conscious Breathing, Life Path
Visioning, Creating Abundance, Conscious Relationships, Self Esteem, Satsang, Energetic Alignment Meditation workshop, Guided Meditations and The Healing Spirit.
Kate Durda/Stephanie
Spirit Weavers
Charlotte, MI 48813
Kate Durda M.A. and Stephanie Tighe, M.S.W., are both shamanic practitioners. They are graduates of the
Foundation for Shamanic Studies’ Three Year Program in Advanced Shamanism and Shamanic Healing, taught by Dr. Michael Harner and Sandy Ingerman. They have received training in various Shamanic and meditative traditions from around the globe. These include Inca (Q’ero-Peru), Celtic, Tibetan, Buryat (Russia), and some Native American practices. They lead trainings in Shamanism in the United States and Canada, sponsor two “Shamanic Journeying Circles” in the Mid-Michigan area, and are dedicated to providing education to increase understanding of shamanism, creating communty which supports shamanism, and making shamanic healing available. They also host
other Shamanism trainings in Michigan with invited practitioners Myron Eshowsky, Sandy Ingerman, Carol Proudfoot-Edgar, Tom Cowan, Larry Peters and others.
Kate Durda is a Shamanic practitioner, esoteric healer (INEH level 4a), Reiki Master, developmental psychologist, and educator. Stephanie Tighe is a Shamanic practitioner, Reiki Master, certified social worker and educator. They
have co-founded Spirit Weavers an organization dedicated to providing Shamanic healing g, and experiential training in Shamanism for those interested. They are also founding members along with Myron Eshowsky, M.S.
of Pathways for Peace and Healing, a non-profit organization devoted to healing and peace (www.peacehealing.org )
Please check our websites for information about requesting healing work, ceremony, or training in Shamanism, or to see the events and trainings we have scheduled. Blessings to al… And Peace to the World!
FoxFire Institute of Shamanic Studies
School of Experiential Shamanism
School of Integrative Medicine Since 1988
Flemmingstr. 8
12163 Berlin, Germany
+49 (30) 797 456 53 www.shamanism.info info@shamanism.info Contact: S. Alexander Alich, Founder & Director
Training in Experiential Shamanism
5 year training as a Certified Shamanic Practitioner®
Continuing Education for practitioners
Online articles and resources
Carmel Temple
1208 Pennsylvania Ave.
South Houston, Texas 77587-4041
Carmel Temple, the oldest “new age” Church at the same location in Texas. We have been on the Internet for two years and specialize in presenting guest speakers weekly, local and international. We provide workshops in most
all modalities, all offered at no fee, only freewill love offering. We do not solicit funds from our “membership”. We publish a monthly newsletter.
Shanti Dechen
Aroma Apothecary Healing Arts Academy
8516 Devine Lane
Austin TX 78748
(512) 282-6099
Specializing in quality clinical aromatherapy and integrated healing courses. Designed for the health professional, retailer and those interested in aromatherapy and healing. Clinical aromatherapy courses are offered by correspondence and advanced in-clinic training. Instructor has over 25 years of clinical experience in
the the holistic health field. All courses are approved by NAHA, NCBTMB and the Texas Dept. of Health.
Ed Groves
PO Box 47
Rushville Illinois 62681
Four separate courses for magickal healing of body, mind and spirit included:
Magicraft 101®
Chakra Imagery 101®
Astral Projection 101®
Astral Dynamic Healing 101®
‘Antara’ Kyra Lober
Crystalight Resources
5207 4th Avenue
Montreal Quebec H1Y 2V4
514 271-5941
www.bodybeingheart.com Linked IN
BODY BEING & HEART Seminars, Sessions Accredited Trainings and Country & Travel Retreats have evolved out of ‘Antara’ Kyra Lober’s personal journey of discovery as a dancer, choreographer therapist, educator and meditation teacher. Hands-on Sessions include CranioSacral Therapy, Body-Mind Centering, Reiki as well as Chakra Balancing and Inner Journey.
Retreats to the Country include dance meditation , therapeutic movement, energy exploration and Self Inquiry. The next Travel Retreat is to South India February 2005. The Accredited Professional Training is a body centered approach to personal development and Spiritual unfoldment and structural healing. The Body Being & Heart approach supports you in the integration of consciousness with movement, physical structure, sensory awareness, imagery, feelings and insight…it is also fun, loving, & caring!
Long Distance Sessions by Zoom and Phone!
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